Can we use FEAR to strengthen our self, to make us strong and Fearless?
We are just stuck with Fear because of our wrong believes and because of our environment. We need to stand up against fear to move forward.
“Fear is a Reaction. Courage is a Decision.” — Sir Winston Churchill
Choose to be strong and Courageous instead of fearful. Don’t react to fearful situations and don’t hold yourself back, Get up, take a decision to be strong and show courage to kill your fear.
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” — Jack Canfield
You are about to go for an interview and you are panicking even before entering into the room. Fear of screwing up in the interview will lower your confidence level. It will not help you get the job. You will need to kill your fear and move forward.
“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.” — W. Clement Stone
Do you sometime think a lot about situation and it only gets worse, your brain gives you 100 new reason to quit. But quitting is not the solution. Take action instead of overthinking, No one gives a shit about you and you need to stop giving shit about what other people think. So take actions and move forward.
“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” — Aristotle
People get stuck at same place for life because of FEAR, they are comfortable at their jobs and their lives. They don’t want to take any risk. Is this the life you want to live?
You need to kill your inner fears to move forward, freedom is other side of fear and that’s the only way to get out of middle class mentality.
“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.” — Napoleon Hill
What’s FEAR?, it’s just some made up stuff in our heads. It’s filled with garbage from society, we may be living our life based on social fears.
All you need to do is to understand that it doesn’t exist in real and anything can be achieved in this world with proper training and precaution.
“Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
You don’t need to run away from your fears, longer you will keep hiding from it more it will hurt you. Procrastinating doesn’t help, it’s easier to take each step one by one instead of postponing it. GO for KILL and you can get rid of your fears.
“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” — Babe Ruth
Do you know what’s in your way to reach success? It’s just all those fears filled in your head by society. You get to hear word “NO” more often and it has blocked your strength.
Strike the fear to make a way to get to your success.
“The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” — Nelson Mandela
We all have our fears, but conquering those fears make you brave. Don’t adjust you life with your fears, instead conquer them to get to next level.
“The key to change… is to let go of fear.” — Roseanne Cash
How often we hear that human doesn’t like change? It’s because it makes us very uncomfortable, we are scared from unknown and just want to stick with what we know.
You need to let go the fear, to make that change you are waiting for so long.
“Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Why Fear defeats more people? People don’t even start because of fear and they are already defeated as they never started. Take that first step by getting over your fear. You don’t want to live like defeated person.
“Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.” — Douglas Horton
There is only one way to cure your fear, that is take ACTION. You need to act, that’s all it takes. Try to divide your GOAL into small tasks and take small actions to achieve big things in your life.
“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” — Marie Curie
What Fear is really? It’s some misconception in our head, Someone told you long time back that something is impossible and you are just too scared to even try. You don’t need any approval from anyone, just try to break down things and understand why you are scared to take certain steps.