by Ravipal Atwal

FEAR shouldn’t define our life; we can’t let FEAR control our life; we should take the control back.– Ravi Atwal

We are living our lives with many different Fears without even realizing it. We avoid taking certain decision because we give lot of space to worries in our head, out of which some are placed by us while others are by society.

FEAR shouldn't define our life, We can't let FEAR control our life; We should take the control ba

First thing to realize is the type of Fear you are dealing with before trying to overcome it. We talked about FEAR in our first blog in details and how different kind of FEAR impacts our life.

Use the below link to Read the First Article if you haven’t read it yet.



How will you feel if you put yourself in the shoes of someone with great power? Don’t think about their wealth and luxury, instead think about how much risk they take, how much responsibilities and stress they go through everyday. How many decisions you think your countries President or Prime Ministry need to make daily and also deal with consequences of every single decision?

He\She is just human being, how they can do so well? We are just like them and we need to take encouragement from our leaders to take calculated risk.

What successful people will do in the tough situations_ Will they postpone making decision out of

What successful people will do in the tough situations? Will they postpone making decision out of FEAR? Of course not. Then why you?” – Ravi Atwal

I have bought around 20 units in real estate but I still FEAR to buy new Rental Property. This fear is sometime protecting us from unknown, but it shouldn’t reflect in our decision and it should’t impact our progress. I look at my GOALS and my future to overcome my FEAR and I go with my decisions.

Fear shouldn’t reflect our Decision; it shouldn’t impact our Progress.” Ravi Atwal


Negative People don’t do anything good in their lives and they don’t let anyone else around them do good as well. They are too scared to do anything and their beliefs are so strong that they can convince anyone around them to change.

Fear feeds Negative people and they use this to scare other people. They will tell all the stories in their lives about the things which went wrong and why they never tried it again to prove their points.

Avoid Negative people to save yourself; Choose a right path for you.

Avoid Negative people to save yourself; Choose a right path for you.– Ravi Atwal

Best thing to do is just RUN, avoid their company, avoid travelling with them, avoid having Lunch or coffee with them. You need to protect and shield yourself from Negative People.


The main business of NEWS is too scare people, do you notice that it’s always BAD NEWS whenever you turn on the TV. We are going through COVID-19 epidemic right now and it’s so scary to watch News, it feels like everything is going to turn into SHIT very soon and we are all going to die.

NEWS takes one wrong word or situation and keep talking about it. They change your mind completely and hook you up with their bad stuff.

Watching too much NEWS fills our heads  with FEAR.

Watching too much NEWS fills our heads with FEAR. – Ravi Atwal

Best thing which I did, was to cut the cable. I don’t have any NEWS channel now, I just go through the NEWS online quickly and I can pick what exactly I want to read instead of what’s TV channels are feeding us.


We can always find someone in our family or friends with POSITIVE attitude towards life. Someone who can motivate and guides you to take big steps and avoid FEAR.

Find Someone, with whom you can share your LIFE GOALS without any FEAR or embarrassment and with complete TRUST. Someone who appreciate your ideas and motivates you to THINK BIG.

Use freely available family and friends support system to find motivation.

Use freely available family and friends support system to find motivation. – Ravi Atwal


There was experiment done during NETFLIX show “100 Humans” to see if listening to GOOD and HAPPY music makes people take more RISK versus people listening to SAD Music.

During experiment, it was noticed that People listening to GOOD music were ready to take way more RISK and Not a single person was ready to take RISK after listening to SAD music.

Music can change our mindset; it can put our mind in such a state that it can overcome FEAR.

Music can change our mindset; it can put our mind in such a state that it can overcome FEAR.– Ravi Atwal


Would you take any RISK or big decision if you have HEADACHE or having body pain?

Healthy body transmits positiveness and fills whole environment around us with positivity. Why do you think that young people are more prone to do stupid things? They have healthy body and lot of energy which doesn’t let any FEAR come close to us.

Why people starts to become lazy with age? Because they don’t do regular exercise to keep their body fit. It doesn’t just apply to older people; we have young people eating too much bad food without any exercise.

Use Exercise to keep your body and mind fit to achieve bigger goals.

Use Exercise to keep your body and mind fit to achieve bigger goals.” – Ravi Atwal


Everyone should practice Meditation regardless of situation, it’s one of the best ways to bring calmness.

Meditation needs no introduction, it’s process to focus on your breathing and bringing stillness to your mind.

I have been doing few mins of Meditation daily for last 2-3 years, just making the habit of practicing it for few minutes daily adds up big over time.

Meditation helps to control emotions; anxiety and it can also help you to work better with your fear.

Fear takes over our body and people tend to lose control on emotions or body functions. Meditation can help to handle fearful situations better by practicing on mindfulness

“Fear takes over our body and people tend to lose control on emotions or body functions. Meditation can help to handle fearful situations better by practicing on mindfulness.” – Ravi Atwal


What is the purpose of your life on earth?

Why are you doing certain things?

What are you trying to achieve in your life?

Sometimes, finding answers to these questions can help to understand life and its purpose. It can help understand why we need to leave this place after fulfilling our duties.

It can help you to understand that you didn’t bring anything with you, so you shouldn’t fear of losing everything.

We have manufactured these complex relationships with people and material which we don’t control, and it should not hurt us when things change.

We have created FEAR in our heads which has no meaning.

We have created FEAR in our heads which has no meaning.” – Ravi Atwal

Good Luck!

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