One of the biggest reasons why I started blogging was to write about Rental Properties. I wanted to share, why rental property is the best investment you can make. Buying…
Ravipal Atwal
Everyone wants to be successful, but some of us just DREAM about it and never make themselves ready to go through all the ups and downs, struggle and hard work.…
True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart. -Unknown Tough times come to show you your STRENGTHS. When things don’t go as planned, you get DISAPPOINTED…
“The ultimate source of comfort and peace is within us.” – Dalai Lama You cannot find peace in the OUTER world until you are not at peace with your own…
” Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. ” – Johan Wolfgang von Goethe People who talk a lot and connect with you…
“THE ONLY PLACE WHERE SUCCESS COMES BEFORE WORK IS IN THE DICTIONARY” – Vidal Sassoon WORK AND SUCCESS are tightly bonded together. Working hard will lead you to the success.…
” All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” – Michael John Bobak We all have our personal comfortable place, which is always so COZY and relaxing. We don’t like…
I have compiled 41 easy\important PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS which you need to know . There is some very simple suggestion which can drastically improve your photography skills, These simple tips are…
The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. – Henry Ford It’s is not wrong to be wrong, but not LEARNING and not trying to make it…
“WHERE THERE IS LOVE THERE IS LIFE.” – Mahatma Gandhi Love is a part of life. We RECEIVE LOVE and we GIVE LOVE to people in different ways and we…